Bench Press @ 30X0 Tempo
* Set 1 - 50% of possible 1-RM x 5 reps
* Set 2 - 75% of possible 1-RM x 3 reps
* Set 3 - 85% of possible 1-RM x 1 rep
* Set 4 - 90-95% of possible 1-RM x 1 rep
* Set 5 - Test 1-RM
* Set 6 (optional) - Exceed Set 5 weight
Rest as needed, but at least 3 minutes between sets of singles. Leave the weights on the bar when you finish, you'll come back to this.
1-RM Bench Press = 285
85% Bench Press x Max Reps @ 30X0 Tempo
* Load your bar with 85% of today's 1-RM bench press weight and perform as many reps as possible.
Reps @ 85% = 7, bar was still moving up but
very slowly on my 8th rep...
For Time:
40 Handstand Push-Ups
Then Complete the Ladder:
2 Deadlifts @ 275 lb.
2 Burpees-Over-Barbell
4 Deadlifts
4 Burpees-Over-Barbell
6. . .
Last set will be
10 Deadlifts @ 275 lb.
10 Burpees-Over-Barbell
7:02 horrible time
"Learn to become still. And to take your attention away from what you don't want, and all the emotional charge around it, and place your attention on what you wish to experience"
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
Day 4
Thursday - AM Olympic Lifting Skill Complex - Snatch
(3 reps of each, ONCE through the complex)
Snatch-Grip RDL
Snatch Pull from Below Knee
Overhead Squat
Snatch Push Press
Snatch Balance (fast to receiving)
Hang Power Snatch
Snatch from Below Knee
In EIGHT attempts or less, find your 1-RM Snatch
(You may elect to do either a power or full, but please note below next to the weight lifted whether it was a full or power snatch.)
5.270 F out front
6.270 F behind
7.270 F standing up
8.270 pr
1-RM Snatch =270
(Perform with empty barbell.) In EIGHT attempts or less, find your 1-RM Clean
(You may elect to do either a power or full, but please note below next to the weight lifted whether it was a full or power snatch.)
5.300 F
8.310 F
1-RM Clean = 305
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Day 2 Muscle up, L-sit, WC, Rowing
Three sets of:
Muscle-Ups x Max Reps
(Please video and send one of these sets.)
Rest 90 seconds
L-Sit x Max Hold
(note time held for each set)
Rest 90 seconds
Muscle-Ups = 21, 8, 7 = 36
L-sit= 13,13,15 = 41
For Max Reps:
3 Minutes of Double-Unders
Bud: 221 reps
*shoulders got smoked quick, first 111 unbroken then a few sets of 15-30 kept missing because my hands were to wide.
I did reps 176-221 unbroken
Six Minute Capacity Test:
12 Pull-Ups
12 Burpees
12 Box-Jumps (24")
TOTAL ROUNDS + REPS= 4 rounds + 25 reps
Pull ups were all unbroken
Burpees were slow, only jumped about 2 inches off the ground.
used games style box jumps with the open hips on box.
Eight sets for max meters of:
30 seconds max effort row sprint
Rest 2:30
Total Meters = 1,357
Muscle-Ups x Max Reps
(Please video and send one of these sets.)
Rest 90 seconds
L-Sit x Max Hold
(note time held for each set)
Rest 90 seconds
Muscle-Ups = 21, 8, 7 = 36
L-sit= 13,13,15 = 41
For Max Reps:
3 Minutes of Double-Unders
Bud: 221 reps
*shoulders got smoked quick, first 111 unbroken then a few sets of 15-30 kept missing because my hands were to wide.
I did reps 176-221 unbroken
Six Minute Capacity Test:
12 Pull-Ups
12 Burpees
12 Box-Jumps (24")
TOTAL ROUNDS + REPS= 4 rounds + 25 reps
Pull ups were all unbroken
Burpees were slow, only jumped about 2 inches off the ground.
used games style box jumps with the open hips on box.
Eight sets for max meters of:
30 seconds max effort row sprint
Rest 2:30
Total Meters = 1,357
Monday, November 19, 2012
Games training day 1
Back squat: 200x5, 300x4, 340x3, 380x1, 395failed
Weighted pull-up @ a bw of 180
80x3, 100x2, 115x1, 120x1, 122.5x1
85% of squat 1rm for max reps... used 323 got 10 reps.
5 sets for max reps
Max strict hand stand push ups rest 1 minute between peach set: 25, 8,7,5,5
This week is all testing. I'm on mwod video 3 also. Doing mwods before bed after bathing in Epsom salt
Weighted pull-up @ a bw of 180
80x3, 100x2, 115x1, 120x1, 122.5x1
85% of squat 1rm for max reps... used 323 got 10 reps.
5 sets for max reps
Max strict hand stand push ups rest 1 minute between peach set: 25, 8,7,5,5
This week is all testing. I'm on mwod video 3 also. Doing mwods before bed after bathing in Epsom salt
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Cross Fit Merced Holiday Throw Down
Wod 1: Max Clean & Jerk. Each team will have 5 minutes to establish at 1RM Clean & Jerk for each member. Any technique for both the clean and the jerk is acceptable (ie. Power, squat, split, or any combination). The team will share a bar and a stack of plates. The team will start with an unloaded (empty) bar. The team may load plates as necessary, but once a plate is loaded, it must remain on the bar for the remainder of the 5 minute session. ie. Teams may not remove ANY weights from the bar. Score is total load from all 4 team members.
--I clean and jerked 305 easy, got the 315 clean easy but missed the jerk on 2 separate attempts. only had about 2 minutes for all of this so I felt good about what I ended up with.
Wod 2: For time:
--I clean and jerked 305 easy, got the 315 clean easy but missed the jerk on 2 separate attempts. only had about 2 minutes for all of this so I felt good about what I ended up with.
Wod 2: For time:
Each team member will run the 2500m course. There are, however, several caveats:
1) All 4 team members must cross the finish line together.
2) Each team must carry a med ball through the course.
3) There is a mandatory buy-in: Each team must complete 60 “reps” with a 155# barbell. A rep will consist of a deadlift for women, and a power clean for men. There is no minimum or maximum amount of required reps per team member. The workload may be shared however the team decides to split the reps. Only 1 team member must finish the buy-in; Other team members may leave on the run as needed.
1) All 4 team members must cross the finish line together.
2) Each team must carry a med ball through the course.
3) There is a mandatory buy-in: Each team must complete 60 “reps” with a 155# barbell. A rep will consist of a deadlift for women, and a power clean for men. There is no minimum or maximum amount of required reps per team member. The workload may be shared however the team decides to split the reps. Only 1 team member must finish the buy-in; Other team members may leave on the run as needed.
--Karina and I split up the lifts, She took the bulk of the load. We ended up 3rd overall in this event!
Wod 3: 80M Big Bobsled Push...
--This shit was fucking horrible! Our sled hit a tree on the way down which slowed us down. The push back was a very slow creep...
Wod 4: For reps:
Each team will split into 2 pairs of their choice. An athlete in each pair will hold a barbell (135#/85#) overhead; while the bar is overhead the other athlete will complete as many pullups as possible. The athlete doing pullups may break the pullups into as many sets as necessary and my continue to do pullups as long as their partner continues to hold the bar overhead. When the athlete holding the barbell drops it from the overhead position, the pair will switch positions and pick up the barbell back overhead within 10 seconds. When the second athlete gets the barbell overhead, the partner will then complete as many pullups as possible until the bar is dropped.
Score is the combined total of completed pullups among all of the team members.
Score is the combined total of completed pullups among all of the team members.
My set of pull ups I hit 56, then Derek dropped the bar.
I was fatigued when I picked it up so it didn't give him much time..
He ended up getting close to 46 pull ups which is great for Derek.
Final wod (top 6 teams):
1k row..Leah
30 ohs 135#.. Derek
60 kb snatched 30R/30L.. Bud
50 jumping back squats with 45#.. Karina
30 burpees..Bud
40 pistols.. Derek
100 double unders..Leah
50 HR push ups on boxes.. Karina
100 pull ups as a team.
We had a great time at this event.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Back to posting here after every Wod. Gotta stay on track.
AM: 5 Rounds each for time:
-3 Front squats
-9 Head stand push ups (with wall)
-27 GHD sit ups
(50' gap between wall and ghd)
1. 1:46
2. 2:00
3. 1:58
4. 2:05
5. 1:28
I didn't feel like I was sand bagging any of the rounds.. But knowing I only had one round left I hit round 5 M.E.
Mobility: 2 minutes each leg on the couch stretch, then 2 mins each leg doing bone saw SMR
Skill work: Standing box jumps..
AM: 5 Rounds each for time:
-3 Front squats
-9 Head stand push ups (with wall)
-27 GHD sit ups
(50' gap between wall and ghd)
1. 1:46
2. 2:00
3. 1:58
4. 2:05
5. 1:28
I didn't feel like I was sand bagging any of the rounds.. But knowing I only had one round left I hit round 5 M.E.
Mobility: 2 minutes each leg on the couch stretch, then 2 mins each leg doing bone saw SMR
Skill work: Standing box jumps..
Monday, August 27, 2012
Aug 27, 2012
Gymnastics: 2 strict Muscle ups EMOM for 30 min
Barbell work: 1 snatch + 1 hang snatch (without dropping bar) EMOM for 7 minutes
load: 175lbs.
heavy single 225
1 clean + 1 hang clean EMOM for 7 min
Load: 240lbs.
heavy single 265 stopped here wrist is bothering me coming out of the clean.
Conditioning: 20 min AMRAP @ 60% intensity
-strict pull up ladder starting at 1
-400m run
score: 8 rounds +9 pull ups all unbroken pull ups...*never went fast and never stopped moving*
Barbell work: 1 snatch + 1 hang snatch (without dropping bar) EMOM for 7 minutes
load: 175lbs.
heavy single 225
1 clean + 1 hang clean EMOM for 7 min
Load: 240lbs.
heavy single 265 stopped here wrist is bothering me coming out of the clean.
Conditioning: 20 min AMRAP @ 60% intensity
-strict pull up ladder starting at 1
-400m run
score: 8 rounds +9 pull ups all unbroken pull ups...*never went fast and never stopped moving*
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Monday, August 13, 2012
Back to oly lifting worked up to a heavy snatch today without 1 miss I got 235# felt great about this because I hadn't maxed since I hurt my wrist. Before this I did 50 hspu for time and got 4:42
Friday, August 10, 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Haven't had time to post in a while.
Only a few things to say about training today .
1- its been going great.
2- I don't know when it was that I became such a critical asshole....after snatching doubles unbroken up to 235# I missed a 245# snatch today and got all pissy... This time last year getting 225# locked out overhead would have been a celebration... I gotta get out of my post regional funk already...
3- in a attempt to go H.A.M. today I failed miserably...
4 rounds for time
25 wall balls
100ft lunge
3 rope climbs...
My time 11:20
Moses kicked my butt today. his time was somewhere south of 9:30 after yesterdays wod my legs had nada to give.
Yesterday I hit
OH lunge walk with 135#
c2b pull ups
barfacing burpees.
I got 9:40ish on that...unbroken on everything.
Bud, David, Moses, and CJ at the top of South Lake Tahoe.. |
Only a few things to say about training today .
1- its been going great.
2- I don't know when it was that I became such a critical asshole....after snatching doubles unbroken up to 235# I missed a 245# snatch today and got all pissy... This time last year getting 225# locked out overhead would have been a celebration... I gotta get out of my post regional funk already...
3- in a attempt to go H.A.M. today I failed miserably...
4 rounds for time
25 wall balls
100ft lunge
3 rope climbs...
My time 11:20
Moses kicked my butt today. his time was somewhere south of 9:30 after yesterdays wod my legs had nada to give.
Yesterday I hit
OH lunge walk with 135#
c2b pull ups
barfacing burpees.
I got 9:40ish on that...unbroken on everything.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
3Rm No pause split jerk. 145,185, 195, 235, 285x2
push jerk technique work: 185x3, 205x3, 225x10
Backsquat 3x5 @285# I went to old stance, I felt the closer squat stance was giving me knee issues and forcing me on my toes..
from unrack to rack
set1 21 seconds
set2 27 seconds
set3 22 second
9 min AMRAP
-8 Burpee over box jumps
-4 Ground to over head @155
I got 7 rounds +7 reps.
With 53# Kb
-OHS right
-Russian Swing
OHS left
I cheated the first round of 12 left handed OHS for some reason I did 8 and not 12, I think my mind was on not letting a 17 year old badass beat me. I did 3 extra reps after the set of 6 and finished at the exact same time he did. So being 1 rep short he beat me even when I cheated...Fuckin fuck... Not trippin tho CJ is a stud, his work ethic in the gym is incredible. I suspect it wont be long before he's a known regional/games lvl athlete.
Training day's like today make me really enjoy what I do.
I feel good about my output and just sore enough to know I did something good.
Tomorrows wods are up for grabs but i'm thinking of a shuttle run, c2b, double under wod but who knows...
Monday, June 4, 2012
Time for some major overhauling. If i'm going to get my shit together and make it to the games I need to start making things happen now. Going on a health kick for as long as possible making it a personal challenge to not do things that may hinder health or not make me as "ELITE"
Today this is what my training looked like....
M-WOD #2 for about 3 total minutes
Snatch work for fun.
Today this is what my training looked like....
M-WOD #2 for about 3 total minutes
Snatch work for fun.
Friday, June 1, 2012
I got some new equipment
Started a new warm up i'm going to do before every workout
Warm up
2 rounds
15 kbs
10 pull ups
15 dips
10 wall ball
15 ghd
Wod. Max strict pull ups rest 2 mins max pull ups
My score was 24&50
The emom for 5 mins I pulled 2 deadlifts at 415#
Started a new warm up i'm going to do before every workout
Warm up
2 rounds
15 kbs
10 pull ups
15 dips
10 wall ball
15 ghd
Wod. Max strict pull ups rest 2 mins max pull ups
My score was 24&50
The emom for 5 mins I pulled 2 deadlifts at 415#
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Ahh rested feeling great 5/31
Back on the wagon after almost a week off. I got more tattoo work done so it forced me to take some much needed time off.
Didnt do anything impressive tonight but got some good work in.
Worked up to a heavy front squat single. Got up to 325 and failed 2 attempts at 345 which would have been a pr. I'm happy with 325 after not front squatting heavy for a couple months.
After karina and I hit 50 weighted ring dips for time. I used a 12 kg kettle bell
My time was 7:37 but I could have gone much faster.
I then did 100 push ups for time I got 4:47.
Not great but still putting in work.
Always getting a little better everyday.
Didnt do anything impressive tonight but got some good work in.
Worked up to a heavy front squat single. Got up to 325 and failed 2 attempts at 345 which would have been a pr. I'm happy with 325 after not front squatting heavy for a couple months.
After karina and I hit 50 weighted ring dips for time. I used a 12 kg kettle bell
My time was 7:37 but I could have gone much faster.
I then did 100 push ups for time I got 4:47.
Not great but still putting in work.
Always getting a little better everyday.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
20 min AMRAP
5 Strict C2B pull ups
5 Ring dips
15 air squats
16 rounds between 50-70% intensity
all felt easy. Just didn't have any push today. I didn't get as many rounds as I wanted, but happy I did what I did.
Wasn't supposed to workout today but Karina talked me into doing a couple things with her.
we both did:
-5 sets of 10 weighted glute ham raise.
I used 15# she used 10#
When she did her 10x10 shoulder press with 45# I did a 10x10 Over head squat with 95#
we rested 45 seconds between each set
felt a better than I thought it would after all of the GHR's
Felt good to get some extra work in on my rest day.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
3x5 back squat @315#
5 rounds for time of:
-400m run
-12 thrusters @ 135#
My score= 14:39
Tabata knees 2 elbows: 88 reps, 21 rep pr
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
January 2012 Painstorm
- 200m Run
- 7 Power Clean (70% of Thruster, 1RM)
- 7 Burpees
- 250m Row
- 7 Thruster (70% of Thruster, 1RM)
- 7 Pullups
- 200m Run
- 7 Power Clean (70% of Thruster, 1RM)
- 7 Burpees
- 250m Row
- 7 Thruster (70% of Thruster, 1RM)
- 7 Pullups
I used 180# on the thruster and completed 6 full rounds, I had a class coming in so I cut the workout short about 3 minutes. Main goal on this was to go unbroken as much as I could on the heavy thrusters.. I had to drop a couple times but still felt good about my effort.
Worked up to 225# snatch, so easy.... I remember when I used to struggle to hit 215# now I catch 225# in the hole turn my head to finish & the conversation I started before i began the lift, stand up and slam it through the floor Jon North style.
Didn't go higher because I was pressed for time.
My friend Reuben Silva just finished serving in the military and came to Manteca for the day to visit family and friends before moving off to Oregon. Reuben is a good dude, stellar athlete in high school I would compete with him whenever I got the chance. Whether it was just practice, playing basketball, or track and field I always felt a friendly rivalry whenever we competed. Todays workout wasn't any different, 3-2-1 go we took off. Once I showed him where the turn around was he upped the pace and as bad as I wanted to I couldn't catch him.
For time:
-1 mile run
-40 pull ups strict
-20 push press 135#
-30 pull ups strict
-15 push press 135#
-20 pull ups strict
-10 push press 135#
My time 18:28
Reuben 17:05
I made up a lot of time on my push press but he was more consistent with his strict pull ups. When I was breaking up into singles he was still pulling 2's and 3's. Really good workout, felt good being put in my place especially in a workout I am good at.
Worked up to 225# snatch, so easy.... I remember when I used to struggle to hit 215# now I catch 225# in the hole turn my head to finish & the conversation I started before i began the lift, stand up and slam it through the floor Jon North style.
Didn't go higher because I was pressed for time.
My friend Reuben Silva just finished serving in the military and came to Manteca for the day to visit family and friends before moving off to Oregon. Reuben is a good dude, stellar athlete in high school I would compete with him whenever I got the chance. Whether it was just practice, playing basketball, or track and field I always felt a friendly rivalry whenever we competed. Todays workout wasn't any different, 3-2-1 go we took off. Once I showed him where the turn around was he upped the pace and as bad as I wanted to I couldn't catch him.
For time:
-1 mile run
-40 pull ups strict
-20 push press 135#
-30 pull ups strict
-15 push press 135#
-20 pull ups strict
-10 push press 135#
My time 18:28
Reuben 17:05
I made up a lot of time on my push press but he was more consistent with his strict pull ups. When I was breaking up into singles he was still pulling 2's and 3's. Really good workout, felt good being put in my place especially in a workout I am good at.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
A year of training put to the test.
Finished 10th in the Nor Cal region.
It's been a while since my last post. I was really busy with training for regionals and didnt have time nor energy to type everything I did.
Today was my first official day back to the grind. I didn't expect to workout, just got to the gym early and decided it was time to start training for the 2013 games.
Started off with some light push press. Went light because my lower back is still not feeling great from the regional competition.
Push press reps of 3: 45, 65, 115, 135, 155, 185, 205, 225
All sets felt fairly easy, could have gone much higher but I was pressed for time.
Then we hit a good hero wod:
4 rounds for time:
27 Box jumps
20 Burpees
11 squat cleans @ 145#
My score: 17:41
Good first day back. Last year my first wod after regionals was "Amanda" I feel like starting the year off with a hero wod is only right.
From here on out i'm going to follow my same strength training program i used between December and February before the opens f'd everything up.
Mon: 3x5 back Squat +10 lbs each week
Tue: Find max for day wk1 Snatch wk2 clean and jerk(odd weeks do snatches, even weeks i'll do C&J)
Wed: Rest
Thursday: 5x3 Wk1 Front squats Wk2 Over head squats
Fri: Pick heavy shit up off of the floor
Sat: Rest
Sun: Rest
My Pr's as of May 22, 2012
Squat: 390
F-Squat: 340
Clean: 325
Clean & Jerk: 319
Split Jerk: 335
Push Jerk: 315
Power clean:315
UB Muscle ups: 21
Press: 195
Push press: 270
Thruster: 260
Power Snatch: 245#
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Team Danny Lehr #1 |
Rest day today
Yesterday I did a good work out that helped me work on some of my weaknesses
3 rounds
410 m sprint
500 m row
first run was 1:14
first row was 1:41
I'm feeling like a beast going into this years regional. The wod's will be released tomorrow, i'll probably create a regional style event at our gym with moses. Doing the first 2 wod's with him tomorrow, the next two on Friday and the final 2 on Saturday.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
After all this I rested 2-4 hours and did
For time.
9 hang snatch
50 double unders
7 hang snatch
50 double unders
5 hang snatch
50 double unders
Took me 4 mins. I was pissed, my garage is cluttered right now so I kept missing double unders because my rope would catch something. I missed 3 times on the last 10 reps.
For time.
9 hang snatch
50 double unders
7 hang snatch
50 double unders
5 hang snatch
50 double unders
Took me 4 mins. I was pissed, my garage is cluttered right now so I kept missing double unders because my rope would catch something. I missed 3 times on the last 10 reps.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Oly lifting:
Snatch from just below knees
3x195, 210x2,2x220
C&j from below knees
2x240, 2x255, 3x1@270
Rest 75 seconds between each set.
Snatch balance
20 rep backsquat @285.
Ended up doing 22 reps.
15-12-9 start each round with 50'prowler push 165#
- ohs@ 135#
- erom hspu
Bud: 11:26
Took way longer than I thought it would. Hspu were pathetic
Snatch from just below knees
3x195, 210x2,2x220
C&j from below knees
2x240, 2x255, 3x1@270
Rest 75 seconds between each set.
Snatch balance
20 rep backsquat @285.
Ended up doing 22 reps.
15-12-9 start each round with 50'prowler push 165#
- ohs@ 135#
- erom hspu
Bud: 11:26
Took way longer than I thought it would. Hspu were pathetic
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Didn't have the intensity I usually do when working out with moe but still got some good work in. This is how I'll be posting most of my wods from now on.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
warmed up with heavy squats & chains got up to 295#+ 88#'s of chains, I stopped there as Moses went on to about 375 + Chains...
then we hit a good wod
3 rounds for time
-500m row
-20 ghd situps
-2x 20ft rope climbs
I got 10 minutes and 19 seconds.
Then I did 10-1 HSPU and Kipping C2B pull ups to work on the efficiency of my gymnastic movements...
I got 10:45
Good day today, going to rest tomorrow and do the open wod thursday afternoon. then again on sunday
then we hit a good wod
3 rounds for time
-500m row
-20 ghd situps
-2x 20ft rope climbs
I got 10 minutes and 19 seconds.
Then I did 10-1 HSPU and Kipping C2B pull ups to work on the efficiency of my gymnastic movements...
I got 10:45
Good day today, going to rest tomorrow and do the open wod thursday afternoon. then again on sunday
Monday, March 19, 2012
15 rep OHS -185#
snatched the first rep and didnt wear my weightlifting shoes.
5 rounds for time
-11 TGU
-400 m run
my score was 21:05
Worked out with the 4 pm class:
Back Squat
1-1-1-1-1 ( 315, 365 ,375pr ,385pr ,390f )
AMRAP 12 minutes:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
My score 15 rounds +6 reps
did first 10 or so rounds with strict pull ups and when I started to fail I did butterfly c2b pull ups.
Push ups crushed me as they always do on high rep PU wods
Pumped about my 20# pr on back squat!
15 rep OHS -185#
snatched the first rep and didnt wear my weightlifting shoes.
5 rounds for time
-11 TGU
-400 m run
my score was 21:05
Worked out with the 4 pm class:
Back Squat
1-1-1-1-1 ( 315, 365 ,375pr ,385pr ,390f )
AMRAP 12 minutes:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
My score 15 rounds +6 reps
did first 10 or so rounds with strict pull ups and when I started to fail I did butterfly c2b pull ups.
Push ups crushed me as they always do on high rep PU wods
Pumped about my 20# pr on back squat!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
March 13 pure badassness
hspu,ring dip, push up
I got just over 11 minutes.
Then class wod:
AMRAP 20 min
-10 pull ups
-8 dead lifts
-6 push press
I got 15 rounds and some change.
Wrecked from yesterdays workout's we did
5 rounds with a 115# bar
4 power snatches
8 back squats
12 lunge steps
then max pwr snatch and snatch
missed a few before I finally stuck it
felt good with 255, especially with my shoulders as tired as they are.
some pictures of Karina at the 4pm class.
lookin badass the WSBB shirt I bought her.
First time for her doing rope climbs in a wod today.
And she does all 9! Thats my woman! haha!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
open wod 12.3
18 min AMRAP
-15 box jumps at 24"
-12 push press 115#
- 9 Toes to bar
My score: 11 rounds + 17 reps
Only did this workout once, I was happy with the result because my diet was poor all week.
The wod I did Wednesday wrecked my calves so I decided not to workout till Sunday, I feel like it was a good plan because I was able to sustain a high intensity throughout the entire wod.
-15 box jumps at 24"
-12 push press 115#
- 9 Toes to bar
My score: 11 rounds + 17 reps
Only did this workout once, I was happy with the result because my diet was poor all week.
The wod I did Wednesday wrecked my calves so I decided not to workout till Sunday, I feel like it was a good plan because I was able to sustain a high intensity throughout the entire wod.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
March 7
20 min AMRAP
-18 box jumps
-15 Toe 2 bar
-12 pull ups
Score 9 rounds+18box jumps+4 toe2bar
I am very sore from the past couple days, my upper body has taken quite a beating. Going to rest Thursday and Friday, depending how I feel Saturday I may take that day off as well. happy I did this wod, I feel good about my score. The Next Open wod is going to be great for me. box jumps, toe 2 bars and push press are all good for me.
-18 box jumps
-15 Toe 2 bar
-12 pull ups
Score 9 rounds+18box jumps+4 toe2bar
I am very sore from the past couple days, my upper body has taken quite a beating. Going to rest Thursday and Friday, depending how I feel Saturday I may take that day off as well. happy I did this wod, I feel good about my score. The Next Open wod is going to be great for me. box jumps, toe 2 bars and push press are all good for me.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
March 5-6
Karinas knee |
Started this week off the right way doing heavy squats... I love squatting when I feel fresh. I get the intensity so much higher. I had 265# of weight on the bar plus 80#'s of chain. I did 5 sets of 3 reps and felt strong on all 5 sets. I will add 10 lbs next monday and do the same 5 sets of 3 reps with 80# of chain.
After that I did a workout with the 12 pm class. 5x3 bench press.
then 21-15-9 power clean and grasshopper R+L=1 rep
on the bench I felt strong all the way through but was freaked out when I saw Bobby tear a ligament in his peck. So I stopped after a 3 rep of 270. I havent benched in a long time and thought it was probably best that I didnt try for anything over that, i'm confident I could bench well into the 3's but didnt want to risk injury.
On the metcon it was a quick burner, I should have gone faster in hindsight. I didnt need t break up the power cleans but I did so anyways. Also the grasshoppers could have been faster... Good workout either way.
Next I did a workout with a prowler,
10m push loaded with 4 45's
10-8-6-4-2 kb swings 1.5p
10m push
10-8-6-4-2 C2B
I was really slow at around 6 minutes my transition from kb to prowler was pathetic.
prowlers are gay.
Today I did the class wod with Danny before the 4pm class started.
wod: 10 muscle ups, 100 push press with 75# and 1k run. I finished at 8:43
REST tomorrow and Moses just texted me talking about doing 2 good wods on thursday. I will post again either then or the following day
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Chain gang!!! Monday-Tuesday
Started off working up to a heavy OHS but decided when we loaded 225# on the bar that I wanted to do a 10 rep with that and call that strength session quits.
Metcon was good, we did the mainsite wod for monday but subbed the pull ups for hand stand push ups
3 rounds
-300m row
-20 wall ball shots
-10 hand stand push ups
shoulders were pretty wrecked from the 10 rep over head squat but still managed to do well on this workout...My score was 7:57 I was mad I actually had to break every set of HSPU around the middle of the set. Not sure if it was because my shoulders were smoked or if it's because I put on weight the last couple months... usually strict HSPU's are butter up to 15 reps...
Next I did a wod with the class.
2-2-2-2-2 Front squat
225,245,275,315,325 were my heaviest completed doubles
I went for heavier weight but my wrists gave in before I could stand up with the second rep.
Good news is I'm feeling strong, Front squatting 325 has never felt so smooth.
Next I did a good wod that I new would test my heart before I ever started, when I workout alone I feel I need to push myself that much harder just to keep moving. It's so easy to take a couple extra breaks when there is no competition.
2 sets of 3 dead lifts at 415# would have done 3 more sets but I had a class to teach and I gotta get my money!
After the class Moses and I devised a WOD called "Rabbit" we decided on a lap around the building roughly 300m the runs were ment to be all out effort I would give him a 10 second lead and he would try his best to not get caught. I let him know before we started that If I caught him he would never hear the end of it. When we got back in the building we had to immediately do a 10m hand stand walk. I made up about 70 meters on him every round but was not able to catch him on the runs. The first round I came within foot steps.
2 of the 3 rounds I finished my hand stand walk just under 1 minute
Started off working up to a heavy OHS but decided when we loaded 225# on the bar that I wanted to do a 10 rep with that and call that strength session quits.
Metcon was good, we did the mainsite wod for monday but subbed the pull ups for hand stand push ups
3 rounds
-300m row
-20 wall ball shots
-10 hand stand push ups
shoulders were pretty wrecked from the 10 rep over head squat but still managed to do well on this workout...My score was 7:57 I was mad I actually had to break every set of HSPU around the middle of the set. Not sure if it was because my shoulders were smoked or if it's because I put on weight the last couple months... usually strict HSPU's are butter up to 15 reps...
Next I did a wod with the class.
2-2-2-2-2 Front squat
225,245,275,315,325 were my heaviest completed doubles
I went for heavier weight but my wrists gave in before I could stand up with the second rep.
Good news is I'm feeling strong, Front squatting 325 has never felt so smooth.
Next I did a good wod that I new would test my heart before I ever started, when I workout alone I feel I need to push myself that much harder just to keep moving. It's so easy to take a couple extra breaks when there is no competition.
50 abmat sit-ups
30 cycles of:
-1 hang power clean, 95lbs
-1 lunge step right
-1 lunge step left
-1 push press
50 abmat sit-ups
*If bar is dropped or set down before 30 cycles are complete, then the athlete must immediately do 20 lateral hops over the barbell before continuing with the cycle
had to set the bar down twice and do Lateral hops. As bad as I didn't want to set it down after 13 of those stupid push press my were shoulders screaming and I gave in. Same thing happened again at rep 21..
my score was just under 10 minutes 9:56 I think
After that I did 5 sets of 10 lunge steps
(135,155,185,205,225) All 5 sets felt good.
2 sets of 3 dead lifts at 415# would have done 3 more sets but I had a class to teach and I gotta get my money!
After the class Moses and I devised a WOD called "Rabbit" we decided on a lap around the building roughly 300m the runs were ment to be all out effort I would give him a 10 second lead and he would try his best to not get caught. I let him know before we started that If I caught him he would never hear the end of it. When we got back in the building we had to immediately do a 10m hand stand walk. I made up about 70 meters on him every round but was not able to catch him on the runs. The first round I came within foot steps.
2 of the 3 rounds I finished my hand stand walk just under 1 minute
After that wod I did a couple squats with chains just to see how it felt (COOL)
Then I went home. Pumped up about getting chains in the gym, My new goal is to get my 5 rep back squat to 400#'s by this time next year...Never done it once but I think training with chains and Moses I can do it.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Friday I did an "Open Wod 12.1" trial run.
7 min AMRAP of Burpees.
I ended up with 134 burpees,
I couldn't decide what workout I should do but I know I wanted it to be good and quick so I did "Fran"
Thrusters 95#
I beat my personal best time of 2:46 by 12 seconds but I'm not impressed with my performance. My goal for the end of the year is a sub 2:20 Fran, I know I can get in the low 2:20's. Went unbroken on both movements but my first round of thrusters were slow. Next time I will go all out and crush this PR.
My score on Friday 2:34....
Feeling sore and beat up from "fran"
I did the 7 min AMRAP of burpees again
My score this time was 139 reps. I was "No repped" twice because I only touched with one hand to the banner placed 6 inches above my reach. I dont know why one hand was an inch lower than the other but rules are rules and i'm glad I was no repped for not doing it right. Maybe If I didnt have the 2 margaritas, beers, ice cream cake and chocolate the night before I might have been in the 150s or maybe not..... i'll never know.
So overall in the 1,925 athletes who competed in my region/division I am sitting in 6th place.
I feel good knowing I could have been 3rd if I would have had those no reps back. Another thing I feel good about is who I'm sharing the top 10 with....They haven't all posted their numbers but from what it looks like they are all little dudes with with crazy motors. I am the heaviest I have ever been right now and I held my own in a work capacity wod. BRING OUT THE HEAVY BARBELLS!
Proud of all 58 of my training partners for putting in the work this past week, 4 more weeks to crush! LETS DO THIS!
7 min AMRAP of Burpees.
I ended up with 134 burpees,
I couldn't decide what workout I should do but I know I wanted it to be good and quick so I did "Fran"
Thrusters 95#
I beat my personal best time of 2:46 by 12 seconds but I'm not impressed with my performance. My goal for the end of the year is a sub 2:20 Fran, I know I can get in the low 2:20's. Went unbroken on both movements but my first round of thrusters were slow. Next time I will go all out and crush this PR.
My score on Friday 2:34....
Feeling sore and beat up from "fran"
I did the 7 min AMRAP of burpees again
My score this time was 139 reps. I was "No repped" twice because I only touched with one hand to the banner placed 6 inches above my reach. I dont know why one hand was an inch lower than the other but rules are rules and i'm glad I was no repped for not doing it right. Maybe If I didnt have the 2 margaritas, beers, ice cream cake and chocolate the night before I might have been in the 150s or maybe not..... i'll never know.
So overall in the 1,925 athletes who competed in my region/division I am sitting in 6th place.
I feel good knowing I could have been 3rd if I would have had those no reps back. Another thing I feel good about is who I'm sharing the top 10 with....They haven't all posted their numbers but from what it looks like they are all little dudes with with crazy motors. I am the heaviest I have ever been right now and I held my own in a work capacity wod. BRING OUT THE HEAVY BARBELLS!
Proud of all 58 of my training partners for putting in the work this past week, 4 more weeks to crush! LETS DO THIS!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Back to the serious grind of training for the games, my diet is back on point and my mind is clear. It was nice having over a week off my hardcore dieting. But enough is enough 1 full day of eating about 90% paleo (gotta have my milk) and i'm already starting to feel better. Over the weekend I consumed more beer than any "athlete" should and came to the realization yesterday during a "hero wod" that if i'm going to perform to the best of my ability day in and day out im going to need some more discipline.
5 rounds:
-400m run
-10 burpee box jumps 24"
-10 sumo dead lift high pulls 95#
-10 thrusters 95#
-Rest 1 minute
Score: 21:40 rx'd
I was shooting for sub 20, in hind site I wish I had someone pushing me. Still a good WOD but could have used a little extra competition to maybe knock off a minute.
5 sets of 3 dead lifts @ 405# felt easy.
metcon #1:
10-1 DB power clean and push press 50#
20 double unders
score: 8:06
rested about 10 minutes then
built up to a heavy Over head squat
95x5,145x5,195x2,245x1, 295failed twice. posterior was more fatigued from the DL's than I thought it would be.
Then I picked a wod from Johnny Medina III's blog, Johnny is a savage crossfitter and always programs creative workouts. The one that got my attention today was:
Row for calories: 25c,3 muscle ups,20c,3 muscle ups, 15c, 3 muscle ups, 10 c, 3 muscle ups, 5c, 3 muscle ups. went unbroken and strict on first 3 rounds of muscle ups but had to kip the final 2 sets because strict would have taken way too long and I figured this wod was supposed to be at around 90% pace.
My score was 6:50, aside from my nutts getting pinched every stroke i'm starting to feel better on the rower. I was pretty consistently getting 1 Cal per stroke which is good for me because i have always struggeled with my rowing.
Strength #3
Build up to a heavy Power snatch
Not impressive by any means but felt good after doing all the heavy deadlifts and overhead squat work knowing I can still whip 235# overhead without much of a problem. Pulled on the bar like I was ripping off the head of a lion.
Metcon #3
Clean & jerk ladder with 145#
10 rounds + 4 clean and jerks
A good burner to finish off a hard day. I will probably start doing more ladders like this in prep for the regional. Going into the high reps it forces you to be efficient and thats what I need.
Roll out, stretch for 20 minutes.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Posting on a rest day. I have been feeling pretty wrecked lately but still hitting the weights just as hard. I hit a 3 rep power snatch @215# yesterday and over the weekend I did an oly meet and qualified for nationals in a weight class above my natural class (patting myself on the back).
My team!
My team!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
jan 31, 2012
Find heavy Snatch....235# pretty upset I failed 255# x4 then threw in the towel.
Find heavy Snatch Balance: ended up with 285# which is a 10-15 lb pr for me some i'm pretty stoked about that. Especially after all the core work i've been doing.
Progression work:
3x20 chest 2 bar pull ups
rest 3 minutes.. I felt like each round I could have done 30 but i'm going to stick to the progression.
Tabata row for Calories: 59 calories WEAK =[ I was shooting for 64+ but my first 2 rounds were really slow. only 5 the first and 7 the second.
Metcon: Moses chose a quick one today, just a fast gut check.
3 rounds
50m sprint
10 burpees
7 power snatch 155#
-I dropped every rep except the last 2. I wish I would have linked more together because the last 2 felt the smoothest...
my score was 5:08
Moses finished at 5:40
still gotta make up my 50 hollow rocks for time with 10 lbs from yesterday then do my tabata hand stand holds.
But first I am going to cook a pound of bacon.
Find heavy Snatch....235# pretty upset I failed 255# x4 then threw in the towel.
Find heavy Snatch Balance: ended up with 285# which is a 10-15 lb pr for me some i'm pretty stoked about that. Especially after all the core work i've been doing.
Progression work:
3x20 chest 2 bar pull ups
rest 3 minutes.. I felt like each round I could have done 30 but i'm going to stick to the progression.
Tabata row for Calories: 59 calories WEAK =[ I was shooting for 64+ but my first 2 rounds were really slow. only 5 the first and 7 the second.
Metcon: Moses chose a quick one today, just a fast gut check.
3 rounds
50m sprint
10 burpees
7 power snatch 155#
-I dropped every rep except the last 2. I wish I would have linked more together because the last 2 felt the smoothest...
my score was 5:08
Moses finished at 5:40
still gotta make up my 50 hollow rocks for time with 10 lbs from yesterday then do my tabata hand stand holds.
But first I am going to cook a pound of bacon.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Saturday Jan. 28, 2012
Probably should have rested today. My muscles are pretty wrecked from the last week of training. Tabata deadlift progression is working out great, I used 10lbs heavier than the last time I did this wod and got the same amount of reps 80 @ 195#. I was much safer with my angles and made sure I wasn't getting sloppy.
Then I hit another progression of mine 3x20 unbroken ring dips
Rest:3 minutes
knocked out all 3 rounds fairly easy.
Maintained a hollow trunk the entire movement and locked out with a pause before I descended to the next rep. This will start getting rough as I cut down the rest times.
Today we worked on 2 of my weaknesses: Back ext. and Air squats
the rep scheme was 50-40-30-20-10
Nice and simple 2 movements 150 reps as fast as possible.
I hobbled off the ghd and finished right at 11:30...
this wod was nasty. My hammys are still jacked from the tabata deads... Oh well resting the rest of the day, I get to hang out with one of my friends son tonight as his parents go to a crab feed. Should be a relaxing night.
Then I hit another progression of mine 3x20 unbroken ring dips
Rest:3 minutes
knocked out all 3 rounds fairly easy.
Maintained a hollow trunk the entire movement and locked out with a pause before I descended to the next rep. This will start getting rough as I cut down the rest times.
Today we worked on 2 of my weaknesses: Back ext. and Air squats
the rep scheme was 50-40-30-20-10
Nice and simple 2 movements 150 reps as fast as possible.
I hobbled off the ghd and finished right at 11:30...
this wod was nasty. My hammys are still jacked from the tabata deads... Oh well resting the rest of the day, I get to hang out with one of my friends son tonight as his parents go to a crab feed. Should be a relaxing night.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
T-Rex Thursday 1-26
Great day of training.
Wod1:7 rounds.
7 hspu
60 m shuttle sprint
I finished in 6:49ish
Sluggish performance but I'm still only about 75% the hspu were way harder than they should have been. I think I'm feeling the 55 muscle ups and clean and jerks from yesterday. The sprints felt good tho. I'd
Like to think I'm the fastest I've ever been. I'm certainly not as agile as I was
At 16 but if I were to race my high school self now I feel like I'd dominate any race 400m and under. 100m for sure.
Some time in 2012 I'm going to run unattached at a track meet. Gotta talk Moses into doing it with me. It would be fun to train for. Good way to display how hard we work.
Next we maxed out our t Rex power clean. Which means we bent our arms before the first pull and maintained a bent arm until the bar was on our shoulders. For the first time maxing out this style of lift we did pretty well I think we both got 285 with bent arms. If you want to see what I'm talking about type in Donny shankle clean and jerk on YouTube. It's the coolest looking c&j out there and he's one of the best at it.
Then we did 1 power clean emom for 20 min
I only used 255# because I'm pretty sore from yesterday. Mo went 10 lbs heavier. We abandoned the t Rex grip around round 10. Both Decided we need to practice that technique more before we start incorporating it in wods.
For skill work I did 5x5 hollow body wipers which will crush anyone who does them right. Wiper>rock
Next was the team wod
We would rotate after each person finished their station.
400 box jumps was the number we had to reach before moving on.
-20m prowler push 100#+ sled
-20m farmers carry 70#kbs
-20m dolly walk on hands
We rotated every time one of us finished the dolly walk because it took the longest. We went through the cycle about 6 times before we got to 400 box jumps. Then as a group we did 400 ghd situps 2 people working at a time. Finished the entire wod just under 25 minutes. Great wod overall I was toast by the end.
Also I was very impressed with karina and Leah tonight. They are both getting dramatically better with all the extra stuff I have been putting them through getting ready for this competition. I love it they are working their butts off and don't even complain about being sore I know they can hardly walk into the gym everyday.
Great day all around.
Wod1:7 rounds.
7 hspu
60 m shuttle sprint
I finished in 6:49ish
Sluggish performance but I'm still only about 75% the hspu were way harder than they should have been. I think I'm feeling the 55 muscle ups and clean and jerks from yesterday. The sprints felt good tho. I'd
Like to think I'm the fastest I've ever been. I'm certainly not as agile as I was
At 16 but if I were to race my high school self now I feel like I'd dominate any race 400m and under. 100m for sure.
Some time in 2012 I'm going to run unattached at a track meet. Gotta talk Moses into doing it with me. It would be fun to train for. Good way to display how hard we work.
Next we maxed out our t Rex power clean. Which means we bent our arms before the first pull and maintained a bent arm until the bar was on our shoulders. For the first time maxing out this style of lift we did pretty well I think we both got 285 with bent arms. If you want to see what I'm talking about type in Donny shankle clean and jerk on YouTube. It's the coolest looking c&j out there and he's one of the best at it.
Then we did 1 power clean emom for 20 min
I only used 255# because I'm pretty sore from yesterday. Mo went 10 lbs heavier. We abandoned the t Rex grip around round 10. Both Decided we need to practice that technique more before we start incorporating it in wods.
For skill work I did 5x5 hollow body wipers which will crush anyone who does them right. Wiper>rock
Next was the team wod
We would rotate after each person finished their station.
400 box jumps was the number we had to reach before moving on.
-20m prowler push 100#+ sled
-20m farmers carry 70#kbs
-20m dolly walk on hands
We rotated every time one of us finished the dolly walk because it took the longest. We went through the cycle about 6 times before we got to 400 box jumps. Then as a group we did 400 ghd situps 2 people working at a time. Finished the entire wod just under 25 minutes. Great wod overall I was toast by the end.
Also I was very impressed with karina and Leah tonight. They are both getting dramatically better with all the extra stuff I have been putting them through getting ready for this competition. I love it they are working their butts off and don't even complain about being sore I know they can hardly walk into the gym everyday.
Great day all around.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Back at it like a crack addict 1/25/2012
Finally made it back to the gym after being sick for about three days. Thought I'd take it easy but easy was no word for today. Mind you I'm still not feeling even 77% but I was itching to move large loads long distances across broad time and modal domain if u get my drift.
Strength: work up to heavy single clean and jerk. Heaviest lift was 305. I got under 320 which would have been a pr about 7 times before throwing in the towel. I didn't have the strength to stand it up today. I did 305 3 times.
3x7 over head squat progression 190#s felt easy paused 2 seconds on last 3 reps of each set.
Metcon: 7 rounds
-7 front squats @165
-7 c2b pull ups
This wod hurt. Finished a sluggish 6:19. Moses got me by over a minute. He did this wod yesterday at excel. I did it alone in my garage without music or any kind of motivation. I jut felt good about getting that done. I did my best.
Then for the most miserable wod ever.
10-1 muscle ups
1-10 power clean and jerk 165#
I was shooting for sub ten ......
Sub 10 didn't happen in fact sub 30 didn't happen. My sickness kicked me in the ass after my set of 9 unbroken muscle ups. Finished at 31:46
Upset with the outcome but happy I didn't let myself quit. Total of 55 muscle ups and 55 clean and jerks with 165# now I rest tomorrow Is gonna be a good one!
Strength: work up to heavy single clean and jerk. Heaviest lift was 305. I got under 320 which would have been a pr about 7 times before throwing in the towel. I didn't have the strength to stand it up today. I did 305 3 times.
3x7 over head squat progression 190#s felt easy paused 2 seconds on last 3 reps of each set.
Metcon: 7 rounds
-7 front squats @165
-7 c2b pull ups
This wod hurt. Finished a sluggish 6:19. Moses got me by over a minute. He did this wod yesterday at excel. I did it alone in my garage without music or any kind of motivation. I jut felt good about getting that done. I did my best.
Then for the most miserable wod ever.
10-1 muscle ups
1-10 power clean and jerk 165#
I was shooting for sub ten ......
Sub 10 didn't happen in fact sub 30 didn't happen. My sickness kicked me in the ass after my set of 9 unbroken muscle ups. Finished at 31:46
Upset with the outcome but happy I didn't let myself quit. Total of 55 muscle ups and 55 clean and jerks with 165# now I rest tomorrow Is gonna be a good one!
Karina borrowed my weight vest to do a wod at home. |
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Saturday Jan. 21, 2012
Got up and went to open gym, had Nick program something for me that was going to be under 8 minutes high intensity and only used push ups and abmat... this is what he came up with:
5 rounds For time:
-Reps decreasing by 10 each round 50-40-30-20-10 Sit ups
-15 "True"Push ups between Paralletts
Flew through it with only 3 hiccups: round 4 on 10th rep, then on round 5 after 5 & 10
Then went down to Anchors Away Tattoo in Lodi to get some work done on my nearly naked right arm. James, the artist who did my tattoo does great work and I am very happy with how it turned out. Sat in the chair for about 6 hours only getting about 1/3 of my arm covered, thats how much detail he put into it... James was awesome, he worked with my ideas and constructed what I wanted to a T. Unfortionatly I wont have another gap in my training due to the CrossFit Opens in 4 weeks, I will take a few rest days this week to recover, better believe after I'm well and rested I'll be attacking my weaknesses like never before. I see many hill sprints in my future.
5 rounds For time:
-Reps decreasing by 10 each round 50-40-30-20-10 Sit ups
-15 "True"Push ups between Paralletts
Flew through it with only 3 hiccups: round 4 on 10th rep, then on round 5 after 5 & 10
Then went down to Anchors Away Tattoo in Lodi to get some work done on my nearly naked right arm. James, the artist who did my tattoo does great work and I am very happy with how it turned out. Sat in the chair for about 6 hours only getting about 1/3 of my arm covered, thats how much detail he put into it... James was awesome, he worked with my ideas and constructed what I wanted to a T. Unfortionatly I wont have another gap in my training due to the CrossFit Opens in 4 weeks, I will take a few rest days this week to recover, better believe after I'm well and rested I'll be attacking my weaknesses like never before. I see many hill sprints in my future.
1 step closer to becoming the ultimate machine. |
Friday, January 20, 2012
1-20 Back at it.
playing blog post catch up.... Sat- Sun I was at the OC throwdown
The wods we did:
wod 1 was 1-3-5-7-9 muscle up squat clean- overhead, weights got lighter as reps got higher, started at 225,205,185,155,135, had to load and unload your own bar...
floater wod was with 2 pood: 15-12-9 kb swing burpee over 4x4 2 min rest than repeat in reps of 12-9-6
wod 2 was 6 mins to find CrossFit total, Wod 2.5 was max height standing box jump on a 2 min clock
wod 3 was 5 ring hspu 10 ohs 105# 15 pull ups
wod 4 75 double unders handstand walk 30 ghd sit up handstand walk 75 double under handstand walk cant remember distance i htink it was 100 ft
final wod 100# oh plate walk 700m row 50 thrusters 45# 30 box jumps games standard
My scores are somewhere Online.....
Monday Karina and I teamed up and hit :
partner WOD (in teams of 2)
5 minutes of max rep wall balls 20/14, every minute on the minute do 5 burpees
3 minute rest
5 minute AMRAP of abmat sit ups and hand release push-ups
3 minute rest
800m plate run 45/25
Very happy with our scores, we got first on the wod out of the class. It's always fun to work with her. We were pushing each other pretty hard. She absolutely killed the plate runs...
Tuesday: I hit
5 rounds: 15 hollow rocks, 5 weighted strict pull ups with 15#
rest 1 min then 3 rounds: 15 box jumps 15 dips with 20# vest unbroken
Wednesday: Some split jerks, active rest day, warmed up then hit 245x5, 295x3, 315x4, 345 failx3, 295x2
Nothing crazy still Wrecked from throwdown. probably could have taken the day off but I wanted to get something in...
Thursday worked up to a heavy snatch, 145,195, 205,215,225,235,245,255, failed 265x106then failed 225 about 10 times back to back.
*I dont know how many times I tried to snatch that weight but it felt like 106 failed reps...another day :)
Metcon: 10 muscle ups, 100 push press 75#, 1000m row, Bud: 8:52
Friday: Bottom to bottom Tabata Deadlifts rest with bar in hands with Marina and Sonia, they both used 115# and kicked my butt!
I used 185# and only got 53 reps in... my 4 arms were toast after round 4.
Moses and I then hit a killer wod:
3 x 5min AMRAP 1 min rest.............
round 1 used 135, round 2: 115#, round 3: 95#
-10 lunge steps with bar on back
-5 strict c2b pull ups / strict pullups
*odd rounds did strict C2B even regular strict pull ups
Because we couldnt get enough we hit Airdyne 10min Max effort: I got 179 Calories.... Gotta improve on that.
Overall good week, getting tattooed tomorrow so I wont be posting for a few days
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