playing blog post catch up.... Sat- Sun I was at the OC throwdown
The wods we did:
wod 1 was 1-3-5-7-9 muscle up squat clean- overhead, weights got lighter as reps got higher, started at 225,205,185,155,135, had to load and unload your own bar...
floater wod was with 2 pood: 15-12-9 kb swing burpee over 4x4 2 min rest than repeat in reps of 12-9-6
wod 2 was 6 mins to find CrossFit total, Wod 2.5 was max height standing box jump on a 2 min clock
wod 3 was 5 ring hspu 10 ohs 105# 15 pull ups
wod 4 75 double unders handstand walk 30 ghd sit up handstand walk 75 double under handstand walk cant remember distance i htink it was 100 ft
final wod 100# oh plate walk 700m row 50 thrusters 45# 30 box jumps games standard
My scores are somewhere Online.....
Monday Karina and I teamed up and hit :
partner WOD (in teams of 2)
5 minutes of max rep wall balls 20/14, every minute on the minute do 5 burpees
3 minute rest
5 minute AMRAP of abmat sit ups and hand release push-ups
3 minute rest
800m plate run 45/25
Very happy with our scores, we got first on the wod out of the class. It's always fun to work with her. We were pushing each other pretty hard. She absolutely killed the plate runs...
Tuesday: I hit
5 rounds: 15 hollow rocks, 5 weighted strict pull ups with 15#
rest 1 min then 3 rounds: 15 box jumps 15 dips with 20# vest unbroken
Wednesday: Some split jerks, active rest day, warmed up then hit 245x5, 295x3, 315x4, 345 failx3, 295x2
Nothing crazy still Wrecked from throwdown. probably could have taken the day off but I wanted to get something in...
Thursday worked up to a heavy snatch, 145,195, 205,215,225,235,245,255, failed 265x106then failed 225 about 10 times back to back.
*I dont know how many times I tried to snatch that weight but it felt like 106 failed reps...another day :)
Metcon: 10 muscle ups, 100 push press 75#, 1000m row, Bud: 8:52
Friday: Bottom to bottom Tabata Deadlifts rest with bar in hands with Marina and Sonia, they both used 115# and kicked my butt!
I used 185# and only got 53 reps in... my 4 arms were toast after round 4.
Moses and I then hit a killer wod:
3 x 5min AMRAP 1 min rest.............
round 1 used 135, round 2: 115#, round 3: 95#
-10 lunge steps with bar on back
-5 strict c2b pull ups / strict pullups
*odd rounds did strict C2B even regular strict pull ups
Because we couldnt get enough we hit Airdyne 10min Max effort: I got 179 Calories.... Gotta improve on that.
Overall good week, getting tattooed tomorrow so I wont be posting for a few days
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