Tuesday, January 3, 2012


32 of my 9:30 am soldiers!

Today's workout(s) kicked my butt. Get right into it then go over my plans/goals for the new year

Strength: Build up to a max in both Snatch and C&J

Snatch: 245# didnt have much pasiencia hoy. (I'm SLOWLY learning spanish)called it at 245# because it felt good and I wanted to PR my c&j

Clean and Jerk:315#'s and made it look easy, very happy with this.. this was my year end goal and I nailed it. Could have easily added 10-15# and stuck that one too, but i wanted to start the next workout.

Gymnastics work: 2 rounds: Max strict muscle ups, max kipping muscle ups
round1: 7,9
round 2: 4,4 (I should have went for more on this but I pussed out.)

-power snatch 95#
-chest to bar pull ups
Score: 5:18
Not so happy with my score on this, I feel like I rested way too much during the second round. I broke the 15's up 3 times on the snatches and once on the pull ups. the 9's on the pull ups my arms were giving out. so i ended at 5/2/2 rough wod

Metcon 2:
2 rounds-1200m run, rest 3-4 min, 1k row, rest 4 min
-my rounds were so pathetic i'm not even going to write it down.

Starting A new program this Thursday. Very pleased with the results I saw on my month of December program. I will restart this program when the crossfit "season" is over.

The new program is heavily met-con bias with 2 strength days mixed in rather than the 4.

Strength: Sticking with my heavy backsquats, I am digging what the month of the backsquat 3x5 progression has done for me so i'm sticking with it.

Sticking to couplets and triplets this month
Metcon 1: sub 10 min, med weight, technical movement mixed with a high intensity
Metcon 2: sub 20 min, with long runs and high work load

Tuesday: cutting out the Olympic lifting :(

Adding :3x400m runs, starting with 4 mins rest between each effort and subtracting 15 seconds off the rest time each week.

Also adding: 30-20-10
-wall balls
-double unders
will be at max effort

Random wod at high intensity

Wednesday: Rest/mobility/low intensity day

Thursday: 2 rounds Row 1,000m rest 4 min
(subtracting 15 seconds off rest time each week.)

Strength:Tabata dead lift starting with 205# adding 10# each week.
Met-con 1: for time-
-100 double unders
-21 chest to bar pull ups
75 double unders
-15 chest to bar pull ups
50 double unders
-9 chest to bar pull ups
* every break in double unders or drop off bar= #wall climbs before time stops.

Metcon 2: undecided until day of, high volume, high work load

Metcon 3: ???

Sat/Sun: off or skill working on efficiency of movement.

This subject to change in the next month after O.C. Throwdown.

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