Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Back to the serious grind of training for the games, my diet is back on point and my mind is clear. It was nice having over a week off my hardcore dieting. But enough is enough 1 full day of eating about 90% paleo (gotta have my milk) and i'm already starting to feel better. Over the weekend I consumed more beer than any "athlete" should and came to the realization yesterday during a "hero wod" that if i'm going to perform to the best of my ability day in and day out im going to need some more discipline.

5 rounds:
-400m run
-10 burpee box jumps 24"
-10 sumo dead lift high pulls 95#
-10 thrusters 95#
-Rest 1 minute
Score: 21:40 rx'd
I was shooting for sub 20, in hind site I wish I had someone pushing me. Still a good WOD but could have used a little extra competition to maybe knock off a minute.

5 sets of 3 dead lifts @ 405# felt easy.

metcon #1:
10-1 DB power clean and push press 50#
20 double unders
score: 8:06

rested about 10 minutes then 

built up to a heavy Over head squat
95x5,145x5,195x2,245x1, 295failed twice. posterior was more fatigued from the DL's than I thought it would be.

Then I picked a wod from Johnny Medina III's blog, Johnny is a savage crossfitter and always programs creative workouts. The one that got my attention today was:

Row for calories: 25c,3 muscle ups,20c,3 muscle ups, 15c, 3 muscle ups, 10 c, 3 muscle ups, 5c, 3 muscle ups. went unbroken and strict on first 3 rounds of muscle ups but had to kip the final 2 sets because strict would have taken way too long and I figured this wod was supposed to be at around 90% pace.

My score was 6:50, aside from my nutts getting pinched every stroke i'm starting to feel better on the rower. I was pretty consistently getting 1 Cal per stroke which is good for me because i have always struggeled with my rowing.

Strength #3

Build up to a heavy Power snatch
Not impressive by any means but felt good after doing all the heavy deadlifts and overhead squat work knowing I can still whip 235# overhead without much of a problem. Pulled on the bar like I was ripping off the head of a lion.

Metcon #3

Clean & jerk ladder with 145#
10 rounds + 4 clean and jerks

A good burner to finish off a hard day. I will probably start doing more ladders like this in prep for the regional. Going into the high reps it forces you to be efficient and thats what I need.

Roll out, stretch for 20 minutes.

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