Wednesday, November 9, 2011

11-9-2011 REDEMPTION!!!

Me and my old training partners Dirinna and Zeek.

2 great wods today
WOD1: 3 rounds for time of 30 squat snatches 75# and 30 wall ball shots 20#s.
The way Mainsite wrote this up had the wall balls before the snatches,
 As i was getting ready to start the wall balls, Moses said no its snatches first. So i quickly ran to the bar and started my snatches, got through the first round almost unbroken, I got to 25 and took a couple deep breaths then got the last 5 and cranked out 30 wall ball shots...From that last wall ball shot in the 1st round and on this wod was an uphill battle. My back was cramping up every time i would grab the bar... Horrible feeling seeing Moses get through the first 15 or so in the second set without stopping. Kept thinking to myself why wont you pick it up, the weight was light on my legs it was all in my lower back, I got the first 5 and dropped, got to 15 and did singles and doubles for the rest of the wod. I was so frustrated by the end of the 3rd round hen i finally got done with the snatches i did the wall balls unbroken.
my score- 22:50....(I was pissed)

My back was way tighter than it ever got before in a CF workout, I was really struggling to snatch 75#!!! WTF! After the wod I did a static mobility routine that i learned from Ralph Ruiz at the CF football cert, and that made a huge difference.

Me and Mo agreed to meet up at 430 and do the hero wod with the class.


10 rounds for time:

100 m sprint

10 pull-ups

100 m sprint

10 burpees

rest 30 seconds

My score - 19:16

I put the last Wod behind me and busted my ass on this one. I got out early and kept a fast pace.
Nick was running the class and for me that's all the motivation I need. That guy knows exactly what to say to get me fired up. He stated that this workout was to be done fast and furious and thats exactly how i attacked it. Reminded me of when he used to push me in high school. I busted my ass in an effort to show Nick what kind of monster he created. I think I'll do most of the 4:30 classes from now on. When I finished I wasn't sure if i did 10 or 11 rounds, either way I was MOVIN!! Running hard for a short distance is one thing I can tolerate better than others, that's my specialty.

Felt really good about the workouts i did today, crushed my body working my weaknesses early with the high rep lightweight squatting movements. Then dominated the hero wod. I love my job and the sport of crossfit. Its always great to feel progression, not just physically but in life. I see myself going in the right direction and couldn't be happier.

Random thoughts: Thinking December 1st is the perfect time to start growing out the facial hair... Mustache March is right around the corner and ill be ready.

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