From Left: Bud, Karina, Mateo, Andrew, David, Moses, Daniel, and Oscar (first cf wod ever!) |
Friday I did a team wod at Excel, wasn't very happy with my performance so I decided to come back later that night and workout with Moses we did this Amrap... I was feeling pretty wrecked going in so just paced this workout trying to stay within a few reps of Moe, I need to stop doing that and force myself to push the pace. Somewhere around the 7th round I kicked it into a higher gear and started feeling better.
Saturday night we chose the hero wod "Garrett" on this I was planing on going slow getting in the skill work, so i started with the rings about 6 inches from the floor. 3-2-1-go i realized Moses did give a shit about my skill work and was going for a good time on the white board... So after my 75 airsquats (which need alot of work) get back to that later... I did the first 2 rounds with the rings at 6 inches and for the last round i lowered them to about 2 inches from the mat which made a huge difference. My air squats absolutely suck, anything over 25 unbroken and my legs decide they don't need to work anymore. I'm going to start incorporating max rep air squats at the end of met-cons..
Other than the squats, training has been going great. I finally shook the cold and have been happy with the way I feel, I'm pretty confident with the game plan me and Moses have going into the O.C. Throwdown, here's "The master plan"
All of December.
----Pre workout: MobilityWod - Dynamic Warm up - 100 double unders for time - 1,000 m row - foam roller
----Workout: Strength component - Warm up with Met-con movements - Met-Con - 10-20 minutes work on weakness
---- Post workout: Gymnastic Wod for quality of movement - eat - rest - fuel for next day
----Met-cons are undecided until the day of.
----Strength work:
Mondays: will always include my 3x5 back squat progressions during the strength component
Tuesdays: will involve some sort of Olympic lifting
Wednesdays: Rest, or active rest depending on how I feel
Thursdays: switching off with 5-3-1 Over head squat and front squat progressions
Fridays: Deadlift & strict pull ups
Saturdays: Rest (no strength work, met-cons are highly likely)
Sundays: Rest (no strength work, met-cons are highly likely)