Sunday, November 27, 2011


From Left: Bud, Karina, Mateo, Andrew, David, Moses, Daniel, and Oscar (first cf wod ever!)

 Had a blast working out with some of the people from Excel on turkey day, 8 people showed up and we all got some good work in. Originally planned on doing regular "helen"then Moses suggested we do this: For time:
Run 1200 meters
63 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
36 Pull-ups 
Run 800 meters
42 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
24 Pull-ups
Run 400 meters
21 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood 
12 Pull-ups
"Pyramid Helen"

Friday I did a team wod at Excel, wasn't very happy with my performance so I decided to come back later that night and workout with Moses we did this Amrap... I was feeling pretty wrecked going in so just paced this workout trying to stay within a few reps of Moe, I need to stop doing that and force myself to push the pace. Somewhere around the 7th round I kicked it into a higher gear and started feeling better.
Saturday night we chose the hero wod "Garrett" on this I was planing on going slow getting in the skill work, so i started with the rings about 6 inches from the floor. 3-2-1-go i realized Moses did give a shit about my skill work and was going for a good time on the white board... So after my 75 airsquats (which need alot of work) get back to that later... I did the first 2 rounds with the rings at 6 inches and for the last round i lowered them to about 2 inches from the mat which made a huge difference. My air squats absolutely suck, anything over 25 unbroken and my legs decide they don't need to work anymore. I'm going to start incorporating max rep air squats at the end of met-cons..

Other than the squats, training has been going great. I finally shook the cold and have been happy with the way I feel, I'm pretty confident with the game plan me and Moses have going into the O.C. Throwdown, here's "The master plan"

All of December.
----Pre workout: MobilityWod - Dynamic Warm up - 100 double unders for time - 1,000 m row - foam roller

----Workout: Strength component - Warm up with Met-con movements - Met-Con - 10-20 minutes work on weakness

---- Post workout: Gymnastic Wod for quality of movement - eat - rest - fuel for next day

----Met-cons are undecided until the day of.

----Strength work:

Mondays: will always include my 3x5 back squat progressions during the strength component

Tuesdays: will involve some sort of Olympic lifting

Wednesdays: Rest, or active rest depending on how I feel

Thursdays: switching off with 5-3-1 Over head squat and front squat progressions

Fridays: Deadlift & strict pull ups

Saturdays: Rest (no strength work, met-cons are highly likely)

Sundays: Rest (no strength work, met-cons are highly likely)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Moses at the FSC.

I have been slacking on the blog posts lately because I've been busy working on my fitness.... The last few weeks of training have gone great! Smashing personal records and learning coaching cues every day. For the last 2 weeks or so Nick took over the 4:30 pm class so i get to spend a lot more time with my old high school coach/ training partner...Watching the way he teaches the class is just as inspiring as watching him go 100% in workouts.. After the 4:30 class goes I do the 5:30 class and try to use some of the cues I over heard Nick use in his class.... Yesterday the one he used that really clicked and seemed to be a fix to all shitty positions was the "internal weightbelt." An awesome cue, when setting up for any movement you want to make sure your trunk is tight, not just flexing your abs or getting your lumbar curve..Think tight like Tyson is punching you in the stomach tight..Take a deep breath, hold it down in your belly contracting every muscle around your spine creating that solid base. The analogy I like to use is the soda can.. picture your torso being a soda can or beer which ever you prefer... put a weight on an empty soda can..its going to crush to the floor.. Now take a big deep breath seal that can make sure everything is tight and that can is going to be able to support a larger load. I learn a new cue from Nick almost every day, this one really hit home though.

Anyways.... on to the training...

-1st off, rowed a 1k at damper setting 10, my rowing still needs alot of work.
- 3x5 back squat... 315, 315x4, 310, still wrecked from the weekend Next Monday i'll get the 315 for all 15 reps. Also was my first time squatting that heavy with out oly shoes... I didnt like it, probably means i should do it more...
-then 10-15' rope climbs for time. my score: 2:23
- "GHD Annie" with 30 ball over bar buy out... brutal! my score was a pathetic 12:38
-finished off with tabata hs holds and the 1441 stretching program.

Feeling stronger, I would have done better on that wod had i not gone 150% on Saturday at the Fall Strength challenge, I placed second which i'm happy with, next year I'm shooting for #1 not just podium. I was good to see mine and moses hard work on display, we have a great thing going him and I training together, we push to our limits everyday and seeing the results (both top 10 finishes) feels awesome. 1 more step towards the games.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


11/11: Rib dinner at Famous Daves in Tracy, Bowling in Manteca and then watched Immortals also in Manteca. Got back home around 1:30 Great night.

22nd anniversary of my birth day: Got to workout with Vince Carter from CrossFit 209 today.
I did 3 sets of each resting 1 minute between each set
-max distance handstand walk
-25 unbroken Kb swings with 70# kb
-500 m row

I bought myself a weight vest as an early birthday present and finally had the chance to use it. I had an elements class at 1 so i got to the gym about an hour early to get some work in.
Wod: With 30#'s in the vest
--dead lift 135#
--pull up
--ring dip
My score- 9:52rx
The ring dips were much more difficult than i was expecting, I ended up breaking them into singles early on. I was just looking to get some work in. After I loaded (2) 45# weights on a sled and dragged it 400m, this is something i'd like to start incorporating in my warm ups. Jason Khalipa told the CF 209 guys about it and they passed it on to me. Vince Carter from 209 said they pull (4)45# plates on the sled, there is no way I would have finished that under 30 minutes.. The 2 plates wrecked my posterior chain. Baby steps... baby steps.. After that I did a set of max strict pull ups and got to 20. Kind of disappointing because I told myself at the 2011 cf games I would work on my strict pull ups more, i literally haven't tried a max rep strict pull up set since being in Carson where i got exactly 20. In my own defense I did do weighted pull ups earlier today and may have still been fatigued from that. My goal by next year at the CF games is 25-30 strict pull ups.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

11-9-2011 REDEMPTION!!!

Me and my old training partners Dirinna and Zeek.

2 great wods today
WOD1: 3 rounds for time of 30 squat snatches 75# and 30 wall ball shots 20#s.
The way Mainsite wrote this up had the wall balls before the snatches,
 As i was getting ready to start the wall balls, Moses said no its snatches first. So i quickly ran to the bar and started my snatches, got through the first round almost unbroken, I got to 25 and took a couple deep breaths then got the last 5 and cranked out 30 wall ball shots...From that last wall ball shot in the 1st round and on this wod was an uphill battle. My back was cramping up every time i would grab the bar... Horrible feeling seeing Moses get through the first 15 or so in the second set without stopping. Kept thinking to myself why wont you pick it up, the weight was light on my legs it was all in my lower back, I got the first 5 and dropped, got to 15 and did singles and doubles for the rest of the wod. I was so frustrated by the end of the 3rd round hen i finally got done with the snatches i did the wall balls unbroken.
my score- 22:50....(I was pissed)

My back was way tighter than it ever got before in a CF workout, I was really struggling to snatch 75#!!! WTF! After the wod I did a static mobility routine that i learned from Ralph Ruiz at the CF football cert, and that made a huge difference.

Me and Mo agreed to meet up at 430 and do the hero wod with the class.


10 rounds for time:

100 m sprint

10 pull-ups

100 m sprint

10 burpees

rest 30 seconds

My score - 19:16

I put the last Wod behind me and busted my ass on this one. I got out early and kept a fast pace.
Nick was running the class and for me that's all the motivation I need. That guy knows exactly what to say to get me fired up. He stated that this workout was to be done fast and furious and thats exactly how i attacked it. Reminded me of when he used to push me in high school. I busted my ass in an effort to show Nick what kind of monster he created. I think I'll do most of the 4:30 classes from now on. When I finished I wasn't sure if i did 10 or 11 rounds, either way I was MOVIN!! Running hard for a short distance is one thing I can tolerate better than others, that's my specialty.

Felt really good about the workouts i did today, crushed my body working my weaknesses early with the high rep lightweight squatting movements. Then dominated the hero wod. I love my job and the sport of crossfit. Its always great to feel progression, not just physically but in life. I see myself going in the right direction and couldn't be happier.

Random thoughts: Thinking December 1st is the perfect time to start growing out the facial hair... Mustache March is right around the corner and ill be ready.

Monday, November 7, 2011


When I go back to school, I will dominate my old track times.

Already a good training day, got my 3x5 backsquats in. used 10#'s more than last week. so 295# and it went up easy, cant wait to hit 305 next Monday. That'll be a PR... I know weak... But baby steps my friend, baby steps... after Me and Moses hit a Metcon:

300m Row (I rowed 400 the first round... Stupid)
20 Lunges with 135# on shoulders
300m Row
15 Lunges 135#
300m Row
10 Lunges 135#
300m Row
5 Lunges 135#
Great Wod
My score - 8:10
Moses - 7:31
wish i would have done it right, we would have been neck and neck...
I tried my best to catch up but Moses is a very strong rower and I wasn't very efficient.

Tonight we will redue the Urankar burner from a month ago.
7min AMRAP
-95 # thruster
-70 # KB swings

last time i got 9 rounds plus 10+ 1
It'll be a burner.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday 11/6/2011

Training tonight : 6 sets of 2 snatch grip push press, building up to a heavy double. every second rep i would hold for 10 seconds drop the bar and immediately do 2 40" box jumps working on being explosive. I ended up getting: 215, 235, 245, 255,275(F), 260

Then Metcon was a bitch! we were prepping for the Fall Strength Challenge coming up and decided to try one of the workouts... but we ramped it up a bit... it called for a 90# sled push

This is what we did:
5 rounds for time
5 power cleans @145#
90ft Weight tree push that included 3 turn arounds at 540#(this was the ramped up)
1 wall climb
10 kb snatches @ 53#
1 wall climb
90ft weight tree push with 3 turn arounds @ 540#

so the FSC calls for a 90# sled and we didnt have that so we had to improvise... we did have 2 rolling weight trees and enough room to stack on 12 45# bumper plates.

the weights were awkward to maneuver and i was ready to quit in the first minute. Glad I finished, but not happy with my performance. I did give it everything i had in the last round to the point i was rolling around on the floor unable to get up afterwards. Tomorrow will be Mainsite and rest.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Good wod today, was going to do this months painstorm but. decided to modify it a little to help me work on my weaknesses. So instaid of doing the 800m runs it called for I chose to sub 600m rows. Pretty happy with my results, I wish I didn't have to do this workout alone, if moses were next to me id have 4 to 5 more rounds.

Friday, November 4, 2011

November 3rd & 4th

 What i would listen to before every 100m dash in high school, the intro still raises hairs on my neck

Thursday: Overhead squats
165 x 5
190 x 5
215 x 3 got off balance and had to retry
215 x 6

O.C. Throwdown wod with Moses and Melody at Open gym:
5 rounds for time:
-8 bar facing burpees
-8 deadlifts @225#
-8 toes to bar
My score:4:34
good high intensity workout, it took almost 15 minutes to stop breathing hard.
Finished with a few glute-ham raises and reverse hypers 2-3 sets of 10 each

Friday: After watching the 9:30 am class do the hero wod "Gator" I decided i'd give it a shot.

"Gator" 8 rounds
- 5 front squats @ 185#
- 26 Ring push ups

 I finished in 23:26, Ring pushups gave me trouble from the 2nd round on... I went unbroken on first then went to 10's and 5's then eventually down to 2's and 3's on my last set I failed the 26th rep of the pushups 5 times... SO FRUSTRATING! probably added 2 minutes to my time not being able to fully lock out.

Going to get some food in my stomach then heading to the gym for some more fun.

Ended up doing : 5 rounds for quality
8 burpees
dive and drive sprint 20m
12 chest to bar pull ups
rest 2:30

then after the 6:30 pm class took off me and moses did today mainsite wod:
25 ghd
1 mu
20 ghd
2 mu
15 ghd
3 mu
10 ghd
4 mu
5 ghd
5 mu

mu stands for muscle ups....
My score was 4:25
Moses was 4:22

My hips were cramping up in the 15's but i pushed through the best i could.... GREAT WOD! to end a GREAT DAY!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Nov 1

Resting tomorrow, sore from all the squating. I gotta get better at wallball shots and double unders and thrusters and pistols... Thursday plan on doing wendler overhead squats