Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012


3Rm No pause split jerk. 145,185, 195, 235, 285x2

push jerk technique work: 185x3, 205x3, 225x10

Backsquat 3x5 @285# I went to old stance, I felt the closer squat stance was giving me knee issues and forcing me on my toes..
from unrack to rack
set1 21 seconds
set2 27 seconds
set3 22 second

9 min AMRAP
-8 Burpee over box jumps
-4 Ground to over head @155

I got 7 rounds +7 reps.

With 53# Kb
-OHS right
-Russian Swing
OHS left

I cheated the first round of 12 left handed OHS for some reason I did 8 and not 12, I think my mind was on not letting a 17 year old badass beat me. I did 3 extra reps after the set of 6 and finished at the exact same time he did. So being 1 rep short he beat me even when I cheated...Fuckin fuck... Not trippin tho CJ is a stud, his work ethic in the gym is incredible.  I suspect it wont be long before he's a known regional/games lvl athlete.

Training day's like today make me really enjoy what I do.

I feel good about my output and just sore enough to know I did something good.

Tomorrows wods are up for grabs but i'm thinking of a shuttle run, c2b, double under wod but who knows...

Monday, June 4, 2012


Time for some major overhauling. If i'm going to get my shit together and make it to the games I need to start making things happen now. Going on a health kick for as long as possible making it a personal challenge to not do things that may hinder health or not make me as "ELITE"

Today this is what my training looked like....

M-WOD #2 for about 3 total minutes

Snatch work for fun.



Friday, June 1, 2012


I got some new equipment

Started a new warm up i'm going to do before every workout

Warm up
2 rounds
15 kbs
10 pull ups
15 dips
10 wall ball
15 ghd

Wod. Max strict pull ups rest 2 mins max pull ups

My score was 24&50

The emom for 5 mins I pulled 2 deadlifts at 415#