Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Team Danny Lehr #1

Rest day today

Yesterday I did a good work out that helped me work on some of my weaknesses

3 rounds
410 m sprint
500 m row

first run was 1:14
first row was 1:41

I'm feeling like a beast going into this years regional. The wod's will be released tomorrow, i'll probably create a regional style event at our gym with moses. Doing the first 2 wod's with him tomorrow, the next two on Friday and the final 2 on Saturday.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


After all this I rested 2-4 hours and did
For time.
9 hang snatch
50 double unders
7 hang snatch
50 double unders
5 hang snatch
50 double unders

Took me 4 mins. I was pissed, my garage is cluttered right now so I kept missing double unders because my rope would catch something. I missed 3 times on the last 10 reps.

Friday, April 6, 2012


Oly lifting:
Snatch from just below knees
3x195, 210x2,2x220
C&j from below knees
2x240, 2x255, 3x1@270
Rest 75 seconds between each set.
Snatch balance
20 rep backsquat @285.
Ended up doing 22 reps.

15-12-9 start each round with 50'prowler push 165#
- ohs@ 135#
- erom hspu

Bud: 11:26
Took way longer than I thought it would. Hspu were pathetic

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Didn't have the intensity I usually do when working out with moe but still got some good work in. This is how I'll be posting most of my wods from now on.