Sunday, April 7, 2013


Amrap 4 min
-15 thrusters 100#
-15 c2b pull ups

Every 3 rounds completed scores you a bonus round.

I got 5 rounds and 3 thrusters into my 6th round. Felt fine with m score considering I only had 4 hours of sleep I did it solo. With the exception of people watching me. Next yet I'm going to hit all the open wods with a partner.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

squat 5311


pwr snatch

snatch pulls

5 rounds:
-10 c2b
-15 kipping hspu

score : 6:33
10 c2b were all easy

first 2 rounds hspus unbroken easy
3rd round went 8/7
4th went 6/6/3
5th was 6/5/4

Monday, April 1, 2013

muscle snatch/snatch/c&j/outlaw wod

in 6 attempts build to a heavy muscle snatch- 185 was the final.

3 sets of snatch 240
 I had a moment today during my snatches, thinking about the first time snatching 225.That was a big milestone for me..2 wheels on each side of the bar. In my warm up today I went from 95-145-195-240 and didn't skip a beat.

3 sets of c&j 270
lockout on jerk was a little suspect on my 3rd set

3 sets of front squat doubles 320
felt easy

-muscle ups
-front squats 250#

score was 9:33

all muscle ups unbroken. 7-5 on the first set of front squats... this was right after my heavy doubles so my legs were smoked. 2nd set was 6-3 last set was 5-1 i failed my 6th front squat at 8:30ish couldnt gather myself to do the next one for an entire minute..

that shit sucked.

I did all of this in about 90 minutes.