Sunday, March 31, 2013


open wod 13.4
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below:
135 pound Clean and jerk, 3 reps
3 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 6 reps
6 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 9 reps
9 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 12 reps
12 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 15 reps
15 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 18 reps
18 Toes-to-bar...
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.

Started this one with a suicide pace. It was all about cycling the clean and jerks, grip strength didn't become an issue until post WOD when I was trying to drink out of my water bottle. I knew I would go unbroken on toes to bar. Probably should have linked a few more clean and jerks together in the set of 12's. I felt comfortable going as hard as I was all the way up to the set of 18's... The 18's hurt, in hindsight I wish I had linked some of those reps together but I just didnt have the energy. I hopped on the bar and knocked out 12 t2b unbroken would have hit 18 if I had just a few seconds longer. Really wanted to get back to that bar but it didn't happen.

Saturday night:

Hit a good one in my garage with some of my buddies.

*EMOM hit 3 burpees
-Goblet squats 53#
-KB swings
-Abmat situps
-Double unders

Took me just under 16mins 30 seconds. Great grinder workout, I didnt game anything just kept moving until I heard the beep of the clock each minute.

bench 65#
push jerk 65#(working on speed under the bar)

This was inspired from boredom around 11pm.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

open season

Its open season and time to start ramping up for the regionals and games. The last 3 weeks I have been hitting 2-3 workouts per week and focusing on the open wods. The first 2 workouts went well for me.
The first was 190 reps and it felt easier than I thought it would. I went into that wod focused and without expectations. The following workout I was forced to do 2 times as I was worried my first score would keep me from making it to regionals.. Good thing I did because the redo bumped me into 3rd place in my region. Week 3 wod wasnt as bad as I thought it would be... With that said I only finished 2 reps better than I did on the same workout a year ago. I was super slow doing my wall balls and couldn't get my lungs to cooperate during my muscle ups.. I didn't have enough at the end to get to my goal of 35+ wallballs into the second round.. I would have had to finish my wall balls about 2 minutes and 45 seconds faster. Oh well, on to the next. I'm not redoing this 1 because even with this shitty score i'm still sitting pretty on the Nor Cal leader board. Good luck to all my amigos and amigas doing 13.4! I'm already starting to prepare mentally for the Regionals 

"head down, mouth shut, mentally tough, physically dominant"