Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Chain gang!!! Monday-Tuesday

Started off working up to a heavy OHS but decided when we loaded 225# on the bar that I wanted to do a 10 rep with that and call that strength session quits.

Metcon was good, we did the mainsite wod for monday but subbed the pull ups for hand stand push ups
3 rounds
-300m row
-20 wall ball shots
-10 hand stand push ups

shoulders were pretty wrecked from the 10 rep over head squat but still managed to do well on this workout...My score was 7:57 I was mad I actually had to break every set of HSPU around the middle of the set. Not sure if it was because my shoulders were smoked or if it's because I put on weight the last couple months... usually strict HSPU's are butter up to 15 reps...

Next I did a wod with the class.
2-2-2-2-2 Front squat

225,245,275,315,325 were my heaviest completed doubles

I went for heavier weight but my wrists gave in before I could stand up with the second rep.

Good news is I'm feeling strong, Front squatting 325 has never felt so smooth.

Next I did a good wod that I new would test my heart before I ever started, when I workout alone I feel I need to push myself that much harder just to keep moving. It's so easy to take a couple extra breaks when there is no competition.

50 abmat sit-ups
30 cycles of:
-1 hang power clean, 95lbs
-1 lunge step right
-1 lunge step left
-1 push press
50 abmat sit-ups
*If bar is dropped or set down before 30 cycles are complete, then the athlete must immediately do 20 lateral hops over the barbell before continuing with the cycle

had to set the bar down twice and do Lateral hops. As bad as I didn't want to set it down after 13 of those stupid push press my were shoulders screaming and I gave in. Same thing happened again at rep 21..

my score was just under 10 minutes 9:56 I think

After that I did 5 sets of 10 lunge steps
(135,155,185,205,225) All 5 sets felt good.


2 sets of 3 dead lifts at 415# would have done 3 more sets but I had a class to teach and I gotta get my money!

After the class Moses and I devised a WOD called "Rabbit" we decided on a lap around the building roughly 300m the runs were ment to be all out effort I would give him a 10 second lead and he would try his best to not get caught. I let him know before we started that If I caught him he would never hear the end of it. When we got back in the building we had to immediately do a 10m hand stand walk. I made up about 70 meters on him every round but was not able to catch him on the runs. The first round I came within foot steps.

2 of the 3 rounds I finished my hand stand walk just under 1 minute

After that wod I did a couple squats with chains just to see how it felt (COOL)

Then I went home. Pumped up about getting chains in the gym, My new goal is to get my 5 rep back squat to 400#'s by this time next year...Never done it once but I think training with chains and Moses I can do it.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Friday I did an "Open Wod 12.1" trial run.
7 min AMRAP of Burpees.
I ended up with 134 burpees,


 I couldn't decide what workout I should do but I know I wanted it to be good and quick so I did "Fran"

Thrusters 95#

I beat my personal best time of 2:46 by 12 seconds but I'm not impressed with my performance. My goal for the end of the year is a sub 2:20 Fran, I know I can get in the low 2:20's.  Went unbroken on both movements but my first round of thrusters were slow. Next time I will go all out and crush this PR.
My score on Friday 2:34....

Feeling sore and beat up from "fran"
I did the 7 min AMRAP of burpees again
My score this time was 139 reps. I was "No repped" twice because I only touched with one hand to the banner placed 6 inches above my reach. I dont know why one hand was an inch lower than the other but rules are rules and i'm glad I was no repped for not doing it right. Maybe If I didnt have the 2 margaritas, beers, ice cream cake and chocolate the night before I might have been in the 150s or maybe not..... i'll never know.

So overall in the 1,925 athletes who competed in my region/division I am sitting in 6th place.
I feel good knowing I could have been 3rd if I would have had those no reps back. Another thing I feel good about is who I'm sharing the top 10 with....They haven't all posted their numbers but from what it looks like they are all little dudes with with crazy motors. I am the heaviest I have ever been right now and I held my own in a work capacity wod. BRING OUT THE HEAVY BARBELLS!

Proud of all 58 of my training partners for putting in the work this past week, 4 more weeks to crush! LETS DO THIS!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Back to the serious grind of training for the games, my diet is back on point and my mind is clear. It was nice having over a week off my hardcore dieting. But enough is enough 1 full day of eating about 90% paleo (gotta have my milk) and i'm already starting to feel better. Over the weekend I consumed more beer than any "athlete" should and came to the realization yesterday during a "hero wod" that if i'm going to perform to the best of my ability day in and day out im going to need some more discipline.

5 rounds:
-400m run
-10 burpee box jumps 24"
-10 sumo dead lift high pulls 95#
-10 thrusters 95#
-Rest 1 minute
Score: 21:40 rx'd
I was shooting for sub 20, in hind site I wish I had someone pushing me. Still a good WOD but could have used a little extra competition to maybe knock off a minute.

5 sets of 3 dead lifts @ 405# felt easy.

metcon #1:
10-1 DB power clean and push press 50#
20 double unders
score: 8:06

rested about 10 minutes then 

built up to a heavy Over head squat
95x5,145x5,195x2,245x1, 295failed twice. posterior was more fatigued from the DL's than I thought it would be.

Then I picked a wod from Johnny Medina III's blog, Johnny is a savage crossfitter and always programs creative workouts. The one that got my attention today was:

Row for calories: 25c,3 muscle ups,20c,3 muscle ups, 15c, 3 muscle ups, 10 c, 3 muscle ups, 5c, 3 muscle ups. went unbroken and strict on first 3 rounds of muscle ups but had to kip the final 2 sets because strict would have taken way too long and I figured this wod was supposed to be at around 90% pace.

My score was 6:50, aside from my nutts getting pinched every stroke i'm starting to feel better on the rower. I was pretty consistently getting 1 Cal per stroke which is good for me because i have always struggeled with my rowing.

Strength #3

Build up to a heavy Power snatch
Not impressive by any means but felt good after doing all the heavy deadlifts and overhead squat work knowing I can still whip 235# overhead without much of a problem. Pulled on the bar like I was ripping off the head of a lion.

Metcon #3

Clean & jerk ladder with 145#
10 rounds + 4 clean and jerks

A good burner to finish off a hard day. I will probably start doing more ladders like this in prep for the regional. Going into the high reps it forces you to be efficient and thats what I need.

Roll out, stretch for 20 minutes.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Posting on a rest day. I have been feeling pretty wrecked lately but still hitting the weights just as hard. I hit a 3 rep power snatch @215# yesterday and over the weekend I did an oly meet and qualified for nationals in a weight class above my natural class (patting myself on the back).

My team!